Where to eat in Bogota

80 Sillas in Usaquén

OBELO 80 Sillas

80 Sillas is a wonderful place for dinner in Usaquén. It's based on the well thought out concept of British chef, Andrew Blackbourn. He believes that 80 seats is the ideal number of seats to provide the best ambiance but also be super efficient in the kitchen. He's been in Colombia for over 20 years and puts his own gastronomic touch on Colombian comfort food, focusing on basics and quality ingredients. 

OBELO 80 Sillas
OBELO 80 Sillas
OBELO 80 Sillas

80 Sillas · Bogotá · Website · Directions


Hot Chocolate and Tamales at La Puerta Falsa

La Puerta Falsa

La Puerta Falsa is one of Bogotá's oldest restaurants. It's very much a hole in the wall in La Candelaria that has been serving traditional home cooked dishes, like Ajiaco and Tamales, for over two centuries.

Originally, the small restaurant didn't have a name, so locals just started calling in La Puerta Falsa, meaning fake door, inspired by the church across the street that had fake doors as a defense system in colonial times, and the name stuck.

La Puerta Falsa a beloved local spot with a small menu and even smaller seating area, frequented by everyone from regular locals to ex-presidents, famous writers, actors and chefs (like Anthony Bourdain) or anyone else in search of legit Bogotano food and drink.

Chocolate Completo Colombian Hot Chocolate with cheese and buttery bread

Chocolate Completo Colombian Hot Chocolate with cheese and buttery bread

Chocolate Completo y Tamales Photo by Sarepa

Chocolate Completo y Tamales Photo by Sarepa

La Puerta Falsa · Bogotá · Directions


Flavors from the Amazon at Mini Mal

Colombia is one of the most geographically diverse countries in the world, rich with natural resources from various climates and landscapes. Mini Mal's menu aims to highlight not only Colombia's geographic diversity, but also it's cultural diversity that draws from a mix of indigenous, african and european roots. 

On the menu you'll find surprising ingredients like tucupí, a traditional seasoning from the Amazon, mañoco and farofa, indigenous types of yucca flour, native fruits like lulo and feijoa, and bug or two.

Corbina with tucupi, farofa, yucca and hormigas culonas, aka big booty ants

Corbina with tucupi, farofa, yucca and hormigas culonas, aka big booty ants

Side of greens and calendula with tropical dressing and coconut rice served in a coconut

Side of greens and calendula with tropical dressing and coconut rice served in a coconut

Tumaco, fried ripe plantain balls filled with crab meat, topped with coconut milk sauce and house made red curry

Tumaco, fried ripe plantain balls filled with crab meat, topped with coconut milk sauce and house made red curry

Sopa Cítrica

Sopa Cítrica

Soup inspired in the Cocuy lands. Mushrooms, spinach and tiger shrimp with crunchy cardamom infused rice balls and fresh cheese fried until golden brown, in a light, citrus lemongrass broth. The spice on the side, guaya, is from the Amazon and it's insanely hot.

OBELO Mini Mal
OBELO Mini Mal
OBELO Mini Mal
OBELO Mini Mal

After lunch, check out the cute shop in the front of the restaurant. The shop features goods from local designers and artisans.

Mini Mal · Bogotá · Website · Directions

Brunch at Misia

OBELO Misia Bogota

Authentic, everyday Colombian food with a focus on local ingredients is what Misia is all about. A great spot for all day brunch in Chapinero. Like most traditional Colombian breakfasts, their combos start with a fruit plate followed by a hearty combo of arepas and eggs.

OBELO Misia Arepa Huevo
OBELO Misia Arepa Chorizo

Make sure to ask about their house made ajis, a variety of pickled roots and veggies. You can buy a bottle of your favorite right there in the restaurant.

Misia Aji

Misia · Bogotá · Website · Directions

Salvo Patria in Chapinero


Salvo Patria is hidden in the slopes of Chapinero. It's situated on a corner, in a quaint, old-timey, two story house with exposed brick, hard wood floors and large sun lit rooms.

OBELO Salvo Patria
OBELO Salvo Patria

The concept is simple, dishes themed around Colombian cuisine, using few, but really flavorful ingredients. Salvo Patria also takes its coffee seriously, buying directly from farmers in Huila and Tolima, so most people hang around after lunch to enjoy a cup of coffee.

OBELO Salvo Patria

At night the place doesn't completely transform, but the vibe changes as cocktails flow out of the bar non-stop and small plates fill the tables. It's a great way to get the night started.

Pulpo a la Plancha

Pulpo a la Plancha

Bondiola de Cerdo Braseada

Bondiola de Cerdo Braseada

Milhoja de la Patria, Arequipe y Vanilla

Milhoja de la Patria, Arequipe y Vanilla

OBELO Salvo Patria
OBELO Salvo Patria
OBELO Salvo Patria

Salvo Patria · Bogotá · Website · Directions

Lunch at La Principal in Bogotá


La Principal is great for a leisurely lunch or casual dinner. Their dishes are interpretations of regional dishes from all over Colombia with an ultra modern twist and stunning presentation. They really value design, which shows in everything from the decor to the menu to how dishes are plated.

La Principal Bogota
La Principal Bogota

Crema de Ñame is a velvety soup whose main ingredient is ñame, a large tuber originally from Africa brought to Colombia during the colonial period. The ñame is blended with cream, sweet chili and purple onions. Served over fried queso costeño, platano maduro and ñame chips, then topped with fresh coriander.

Crema de Ñame from the Sinu region

Crema de Ñame from the Sinu region

1 // Marranitas Fried plantain stuffed with chicharrón also called Juan Valerio in Tolima and Cabeza de gato on the Caribbean Coast

2 // Carimañolas Fried yucca pie stuffed with ground pork and beef cooked in cumin

3 // Aborrajados Fried ripe plantain stuffed with mozzarella cheese and guava jam served with ají chili sauce

Surtido de Fritos served with avocado cream, hogao and sweet and savory ají

Surtido de Fritos served with avocado cream, hogao and sweet and savory ají

1 // Arepa Guajira
2 // Arepa Boyacence
3 // Pandeyuca de Achiote
4 // Pandebono
5 // Arepa Encocada
6 // Almojábana

La Parva, artisenal breads from many different regions, baked in a wood fired oven

La Parva, artisenal breads from many different regions, baked in a wood fired oven

Trout sausage seasoned with guasca and onions, served over anise flavored mashed squash made with aguardiente and wrapped in a corn husk. Topped with fried trout skin, beet chips and grilled red onion. Savory ají on the side.

Salchicha de Trucha

Salchicha de Trucha

Guanábana, lulo and queso campesino ice cream over crumbled cookies with dark chocolate cookie bark and a side of home made cotton candy.

Helados Artesenales

Helados Artesenales

La Principal · Bogotá · Directions · Facebook